Complaint Policy
Complaint Handling Procedures
Information to customer
Alpcorp Limited is committed to providing you with a quality and responsive service. However, every so often you may feel that we fall short of our commitment and that we fail to meet your expectations. We would like to put things right at the first opportunity and take steps to address your views. We do this by listening to your comments and complaints, and aiming to deal with them promptly and politely.
If, at any time you have cause for complaint or any reason for dissatisfaction with our service, contact the member of staff who dealt with you, or the immediate Supervisor. The cause may have been a misunderstanding and an informal approach may resolve the issue. But if you feel the problem cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, and needs to be put on an official footing, it can proceed to the formal complaints procedure.
If we cannot resolve your complaint within 15 business days from initial receipt of your complaint, we will write to you anyway indicating the reasons for the delay in answering to the complaint and specifying the deadline by which you shall receive the final reply. Such final response will take no longer than 35 business days.
Stage 1
The formal complaints procedure starts with a Complaint Form. Request a form from a member of staff (or download from our website). Fill in the form, set out the details of your complaint and send to us by post. Alpcorp Limited shall endeavor to resolve the problem in 48 hours. If the issue is complicated and a full investigation into the circumstances is required, the target time for full response is 15 working days. You will be notified in writing as to the progress of the review.
Stage 2
Should you not be satisfied with the outcome of Stage 1, you can then write to Alpcorp Limited’ Branch Supervisor and ask your complaint to be reviewed. Your complaint will be acknowledged within five (5) working days of receipt and a response will be sent within 10 working days. Some issues are inevitably more complex and may require a longer time to be investigated. You will be given details describing what is being done to retrieve the situation or how to prevent it in the future.
Stage 3
If subsequent reply does not properly tackle the issues, you can request a further review to be conducted by the Alpcorp Limited’ Compliance Department: E-mail: This is the final stage of the complaints procedure and should be done within 15 days of receiving written response from the Branch Supervisor. The Compliance department will ensure that the complaint is viewed objectively and fairly. A response will be sent to inform you of actions taken and when further update on the matter is expected.
However, if you are not satisfied with the result of the complaints procedure, you may write to:
They will need to know:
Some personal details – like your name and address, what the problem is – and how you want things to put right and some key details in regard to the complaint. (Amount / date of transaction / transaction reference number / copy of receipt and all other details you think are relevant for the complaint).